Photo: Dag Avango and Lars Kullerud signing the Memorandum. In the background Dag Rune Olsen, rector at UiT The Arctic University of Norway and Soili Nysten-Haarala, vice-rector at Lapland University.
22 April 2024
The Arctic Five is a new UArctic Regional Centre
The Arctic Five has officially been established as a UArctic Regional Centre to enhance academic and research endeavours in the Fennoscandianavian Arctic.
A Memorandum of understanding between the two organisations was signed by Dag Avango, director of The Arctic Five and Lars Kullerud, president of UArctic during the UArctic Assembly meeting 2024 in Bodø.
The Arctic Five is a partnership between UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Luleå University of Technology, Umeå University, The University of Lapland and The University of Oulu. It aims to lead the way in Arctic issues. Together the five universities form an alliance that will advance and share knowledge, education and innovations for the development of the region and a sustainable Arctic. This consortium represents the most extensive research and education infrastructure in the European Arctic, encompassing over 10,000 researchers and 90,000 students.
UArctic, an association legally constituted in Finland, functions as a network of universities, colleges, and research institutes focused on education and research pertinent to the North.
“By also establishing The Arctive Five as a UArctic regional centre, we will strengthen our network and outreach in the Fennoscandiavian Arctic, thus developing the research and educational endeavours in the region”, says Dag Avango.
The Memorandum of understanding outlines a comprehensive framework for collaboration emphasising mutual support, resource sharing, and the facilitation of activities that meet the objectives of both The Arctic Five and UArctic.
This establishment not only reinforces the Arctic Five’s role in the region but also aligns with UArctic’s mission to build and strengthen collective resources and infrastructures. It is a strategic step towards a more integrated and effective approach to Arctic education and research, benefiting both the academic community and the broader Arctic region.
“By becoming a regional centre or UArctic we will reinforce our international network. We, in turn, can contribute to UArctic with our strong relationship to the European Union”, says Dag Avango.